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About the Book

As a young man, I was intrigued by a popular saying of the day. It read ‘peace, love, and understanding’. Personally, I found the understanding part to be its most appealing element. I intuitively sensed that the notion of understanding held the key to answering our existential riddles and thereby enable us to heal our wounded world. The attraction of peace is obvious. Everyone wants peace. Even though we spend trillions of dollars on the war industry, we do it to maintain peace. Doubtlessly, selfishness, greed, and fear steer some of our decisions, which makes it seem as some parties deliberately want to go to war. But in the long run, everyone wants to live in peace. That is a given.

Love is equally obvious. Everyone wants love. If we had but one choice, and that choice stood between to love or to hate, everyone would choose love. That is a given too.

Understanding is a much subtler notion, since every attempt to logically understand the truth seems to end up in paradoxes. Yet, understanding is the key component in our ongoing attempts to achieve peace and love.